Oiiee,e ae como foram de Natal??
O nosso Natal foi um pouquinho diferente este ano. Vou falar brevemente, porque as imagens valem mais do que mil palavras!
Fomos a um orfanato juntamente com os adolescentes da REMIX.
Ao chegarmos no orfanato, as crianças vieram correndo abraçar e beijar a gente, muito fofas!
Passamos o dia lá, com muitas atividades, teatro, música, dança, brincadeiras! Levamos material escolar, remédios, alimentos, e material de limpeza; doados pela MAIS, e as pastas de dente e escovas que vocês doaram.
Foi muito emocionante vê-las cantando, louvando e orando. Tão pequeneninhas sem nada material e com um amor tão grande por Jesus Cristo e a alegria estampada nos rostinhos.
Hi everybody!! How was your Christmas??
Our Christmas was a little bit different this year.We went to an orphanage with the REMIX teenagers. I am gonna briefly describe this day, because the next images can tell you more than my words.
Just in the moment we arrived there we had a big surprise, the children came to us running and they hugged and kissed us even without knowing us. That was wonderful. We spent all day there, with many activities, theater, music, dance and games!! We also took some important things to them, like scholar material, medication, food, and cleaning products, donated by MAIS; and the tooth paste and tooth brush that we brought from Brazil. It was so exciting seeing them singing and praising. They are so young, they have a lack of many basic things, but they have a big love for Jesus and a true happiness stamped on their little faces.
Hi everybody!! How was your Christmas??
Our Christmas was a little bit different this year.We went to an orphanage with the REMIX teenagers. I am gonna briefly describe this day, because the next images can tell you more than my words.
Just in the moment we arrived there we had a big surprise, the children came to us running and they hugged and kissed us even without knowing us. That was wonderful. We spent all day there, with many activities, theater, music, dance and games!! We also took some important things to them, like scholar material, medication, food, and cleaning products, donated by MAIS; and the tooth paste and tooth brush that we brought from Brazil. It was so exciting seeing them singing and praising. They are so young, they have a lack of many basic things, but they have a big love for Jesus and a true happiness stamped on their little faces.
Também pude fazer algumas atividades educativas de saúde bucal com as crianças. Elas formaram uma fila e eu pude de um em um orientá-los e ajudá-los a escovar os dentes.
I also had the opportunity to teach them some important tips to keep the good oral health. They stayed in line and I could orient and help them to brush their teeth.
Quem cuida deste orfanato é um pastor haitiano, ele não gosta de chamar de orfanato, eles são uma família, hj ele tem 23 crianças na sua "família" (algumas vítimas do terremoto) e ele tem uma escola tb. As crianças são muito bem educadas e cuidadas. O único problema é a falta de recursos, a estrutura é precária, o projeto para a construção deste orfanato já se iniciou, mas por falta de recursos ele está parado. Por enquanto, as crianças moram no primeiro andar do lugar tudo meio improvisado! Eles precisam de muita ajuda para se manter, precisam de dinheiro, roupas, alimentos, materiais escolares e brinquedos (não vimos nenhum brinquedo lá e fizeram a festa com uma bola que a gente levou).
Who manage this orphanage is a Haitian pastor, he does not like to call this place of orphanage, he prefers family. Nowadays he helps 23 children on his "family" (some of them victim of the earthquake). He also takes care of a school. These children have been raised very well. The main problem is the lack of financial resources, the structure is poor, they had to stop the construction due to a lack of money. As long as they do not finish the construction, all children sleep in the first floor in bad conditions. They really need help to keep stand, they need money, clothes, food, scholar materials and toys (we did not see any toy there, and they played very excited with a ball that we give to them).
Who manage this orphanage is a Haitian pastor, he does not like to call this place of orphanage, he prefers family. Nowadays he helps 23 children on his "family" (some of them victim of the earthquake). He also takes care of a school. These children have been raised very well. The main problem is the lack of financial resources, the structure is poor, they had to stop the construction due to a lack of money. As long as they do not finish the construction, all children sleep in the first floor in bad conditions. They really need help to keep stand, they need money, clothes, food, scholar materials and toys (we did not see any toy there, and they played very excited with a ball that we give to them).
Está é a "cozinha"deles. (This is the kitchen.) |
Esta é a vista lá de cima do orfanato. (This is the view from the rooftop.) |
Por isto que o nosso Natal foi o melhor de tds os Natais! Ganhamos o melhor de todos os presentes 23 sorrisos e muito amor !
Se vc ficou com vontade de ajudar este lugar, mandem uma mensagem pra gente por email: tamirez.m.mariano@gmail.com / gabriel.lara.mariano@hotmail.com
Nós daremos um jeito, toda ajuda é bem-vinda!!
So guys, that's why our Christmas was the best one we have ever had. We gained the best gift, 23 children smiling to us.
If you want to help them of course you can. Send an e-mail to us and we will find a way to make it happen. All kind of help is welcome.
(tamirez.m.mariano@gmail.com / gabriel.lara.mariano@hotmail.com)
Obrigada queridos ! Beijos e abraços
Tami e Gabi
"Amados, amemos uns aos outros, pois o amor procede de Deus. Aquele que ama é nascido de Deus e conhece a Deus. Quem não ama não conhece a Deus, porque Deus é amor."
1 João 4:7-8
1 João 4:7-8
Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8
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